Foods and Drinks and More Talks

hummusThis year we have a list of suppliers that aren’t just local, make really tasty food and drink, and fit into the theme of side project to main projects to companies. We’ve also had an entirely new theme emerge.

Food and drink are always a big part of monkigras. It’s not just about keeping everyone fed and watered and happy, it’s also a chance to give people who do something differently a platform to talk about it.

Our journey of talking to people who talk to people who knew people ended in finding suppliers who care, and not just about creating something really tasty. We seem to be looking at new ways of sourcing raw materials, as well as using up unwanted resources. Finding creative ways of dealing with food waste, developing new models of food sustainability and emphasising food equality.

We’ll have drinks and talks from Alpine Wines,  Colby Brewery, London Brewing Co, The Kernel Brewery, Coleman’s Cider, Toast Ale and beer from Partizan Brewing

And foods from Bow Food, Aphrodites Food, Wise Sage, SofflesRaw Cheese PowerChicPDrum and Kernel PopcornHackney Lick, and ManiLife.

Can’t wait for you to try all the things!

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